The Maternity and Children Clinic in Hayat Mall, Riyadh continues offering its health services. "The Clinic features early detection of various diseases, including breast cancer, colon cancer, osteoporosis and hypertension. The Clinic also conducts clinical tests, refers cases for further follow-up to reference bodies, boosts having healthy and balanced food, motivates breastfeeding, raises women's awareness, provides consultations, ensures natural child growth, refers children to concerned bodies if needed, stresses the importance of healthy balanced food for children based on their age groups. This initiative is designed to activate community's engagement and collaboration with the Ministry of health, to make services available in public places, in addition to providing consultations and awareness activities to outpatients.", stated the Ministry of Health (MOH).
In addition, this Clinic raises awareness on the importance of physical activity and health enhancement. Its services are provided by an elite of highly health-educated professionals, mammography technicians, physicians, and osteoporosis radiology. On the other hand, through a qualitative shift to reach all segments of target audience, MOH has recently launched the first-of-its-kind maternity and children clinic in trade complexes - namely in Hayat Mall, Riyadh.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has launched the (e-health) application to facilitate access to visual medical consultations on smartphones. In so doing, MOH seeks to employ cutting-edge technologies to enhance effective communication with service-beneficiaries , and to allow them get the needed specialized medical consultations.
According to MOH, the first stage of using the new App. will cover Northern Borders, Asir, Tabuk, Jazan, Najran and Al-Jouf Health Affairs. Then, the App. will be used across the Kingdom, by Allah's Leave.
The App. is designed to enable audio-video communication from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. during working days, as well as weekends from 1 p.m. to 12 a.m. Accordingly, users can login into the application, communicate directly with a specialist, and have their cases diagnosed through the application. Hence, the specialist answers users' inquiries, provide the needed medical consultation and the necessary medical procedure.