The National Campaign for Breast Cancer Early Detection has managed to detect 22 ladies with early-stage breast cancer; they were transferred and registered at King Fahd Medical City (KFMC) for follow-up and treatment. The Deputy Minister of Health for General Health, Dr. Ziad Memish, revealed that the number of ladies, who were tested within the activities of the National Campaign for Breast Cancer Early Detection through the mobile clinics, using breast screening devices (mammograms) at health centers in al-Diriyah, al-Saadah, and al-Shifaa Districts from 31/3/2012 to 5/2/2013, exceeded 2550 women.
Dr. Ziad Memish clarified that there has been a plan put for the mobile clinics; that the location of the mobile clinic changes every six weeks. In addition, three mobile clinics dedicated for breast cancer early detection have been equipped with digital mammogram devices with a trained medical team distributed in the previously mentioned medical centres.
He further expounded that the ladies who are willing to undergo the test will have to call the toll-free number of the MOH Media Information and Health Awareness Center (8002494444), upon which they will be registered in the program; where a special integrated system for the National Campaign for Breast Cancer Early Detection has been developed, through which ladies' data is entered after verifying of their compliance with the approved test conditions and requirements, and then analysing and calculating the indications of the program’s assessment and what has been achieved.
Dr. Memish pointed out that most incoming calls are from ladies between the age of 30 and 50, most of whom inquire about the changes that occur to the breast when suspecting having breast cancer. Also, most questions revolved around the kind of radiation used when testing, how harmful it is, places where they can undertake the test and the treatment mechanism on those confirmed to have breast cancer – Allah Forbid!
Concerning the future stage for the National Campaign for Breast Cancer Early Detection, Dr. Memish made clear that this campaign – at its first stage - was designated for Saudi ladies only in Riyadh; whereas in the next stages, it will expand to cover all the Kingdom’s regions, as it goes without saying that there is an urgent need to raise ladies’ awareness about this illness and direct them to the right place.
It is worth to mention that 30% of cancer deaths happen because of five main behavioural and nutritional causes, namely: high body mass index (BMI), low intake of fruits and vegetables, lack of physical activity, tobacco use and alcohol use. Tobacco use is considered the riskiest and most associated to cancer as it is the cause behind 22% of world deaths and 71% of deaths caused by lung cancer. It is expected that the global deaths caused by cancer will continue to increase to reach 13.1 million deaths in 2030, as cancer is of the most prominent death causing diseases. It is expected to be the main reason for death, ahead of cardiovascular diseases.