MOH News

Ministry of Health Encourages Investment in Health Sector by Improving the Work Environment and Facilitating Procedures
13 March 2023

Ministry of Health, represented by the Health Investment Development Assistance Agency, continues to encourage investors to invest in the health sector by improving the work environment, reducing requirements and automating the procedures.The Ministry emphasized that it has prioritized organization and re-engineering of licensing procedures for private healthcare facilities, by setting main frameworks for policies and regulating procedures for their issuance, based on medical and professional safety. The Ministry of Health said that it has worked to create and improve the investment environment, coordinate with relevant government agencies, and publish health laws and regulations, noting that 7 new healthcare activities have been added in the executive regulations of the private health institutions system; The healthcare activities licensed by the Ministry become (41) healthcare activities between general and specialized hospitals, general and specialized medical complexes, radiology centers and medical laboratories, and other healthcare activities that fall under support services centers. The Ministry of Health has also developed an electronic program for issuing health licenses for investors to enhance values of justice and transparency, facilitate obtaining the necessary licenses, and ensure a sustainable partnership with private healthcare sector. Where this system works to automate all procedures, and the link with relevant government agencies, which led to reducing the time for issuing health licenses, in addition to that, the Ministry approved 12 immediate healthcare activities through which the license is issued immediately, and the time period for issuing any license, and for other healthcare facilities this period ranges from two to five working days, with the exception of hospitals, because they are classified as high-risk healthcare facilities, as it takes a maximum of ten to twenty working days to issue a license after completing all licensing requirements.​

Last Update : 20 March 2023 03:13 PM
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