MOH News

24 Hours of Surgery to Transplant 2 Livers and a Kidney for 2 Brothers in Sharkia
09 February 2023

A specialized surgical team in the eastern province succeeded in transplanting two livers and a kidney for two brothers, in a 24-hour exchange transplant operation that was successfully conducted – All praises be to Allah.
Eastern Health Cluster said: Doctors of the Organ Transplant Center at King Fahd Specialist Hospital (OTC-KFSH) in Dammam performed an exchange transplant of the liver and kidneys of two sick brothers. The first is 7 years old, and the second is 12 years old, as the cases that they faced necessitated a great challenge in providing matching organs for them.
The surgical team said: The first case was of a child who needed a liver and kidneys, while her brother needed a liver, from two donors provided by the parents. The first is a liver donor and the other a kidney donor, while the two cases require transplantation of 3 organs, in a period that took between 6 to 8 hours for one operation. The team supervising the case confirmed that it was in a challenge with time due to possibility that the child's matching organs might not be available. A state that may lead to a deterioration in his condition, and ends up with transplantation of two organs - a liver and a kidney - instead of a liver only, but a donor was provided and the children were saved after matching checks with the child, and matching the rest of donors with the child and confirming that, and – thanks to Allah - the transplant process took place successfully.
It is worth noting that the Organ Transplant Center at King Fahd Specialist Hospital in Dammam - one of the components of the Eastern Health Cluster - was able to perform 37 organ transplants for children, which varied between kidney and liver transplants, including 20 kidney transplants and 17 liver transplants in the past year 2022.

Last Update : 09 February 2023 07:40 PM
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