MOH News

Over 900 Surgeries Performed by Mahayel Asir Hospital in 3 Months
17 May 2022

According to Asir Health Affairs, Mahayel Asir Hospital has conducted 904 surgical operations over the first quarter of this year, including 852 major and 32 minor surgeries, 5 minor laparoscopic surgeries, and 15 major laparoscopic surgeries. Also, 45 ENT surgeries were performed, including 20 tonsillectomies, 15 adenoidectomies, and 10 foreign body operations.

In the same vein, the ENT surgical team at the hospital has successfully operated on a girl after swallowing a sharp piece of glass that caused her throat wounds and resulted in difficulty breathing and suffocation with bleeding. After due clinical and radiological examinations, the patient was diagnosed with the presence of a foreign body in the throat. Immediately, the team operated on her to remove the glass piece. By Allah’s Grace, the surgery was crowned with success. 

Last Update : 17 May 2022 01:19 PM
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