MOH News

Asir: 4,000+ Patients Served by Specialized Dental Center-Abha Last Year
15 March 2022

​​According to Asir Health Affairs, over the past year, the Specialized Dental Center-Abha has served more than 4,000 patients, with 2,500 root canal treatment (endodontic) cases and 2000 prosthodontic cases; the matter which contributed to reducing the  patient waiting time. The center has received 765 cases from health care centers and scheduled more than 39,000 appointments, in addition to serving 900 pediatric dental cases. Within the framework of community partnerships, the center has treated 228 cases of comprehensive rehabilitation patients, and performed 22 surgeries for people with special needs.

It is noted that the center is a dental reference center in dentistry, performing root canal microsurgery by microscope, in addition to endodontic treatment in one session with cutting-edge medical technologies.​

Last Update : 16 March 2022 11:17 AM
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