MOH News

MOH Holds Second Annual Forum under the Theme “A Virtuous, Protected, and Sound Society”
09 December 2021

MOH, represented by the Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Program “Afsih”, held the second annual forum under the theme: “A Virtuous, Protected, and Sound Society”. The forum coincides with the International Anti-Corruption Day 2021. Dr. Saad bin Nasser Al-Shathri, Advisor at the Royal Court and Member of the Council of Senior Scholars, Dr. Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Khabti, Vice Dean of the College of Law and Political Science at King Saud University, and Dr. Moussa Al-Owais, Senior Adviser at the National Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority “Nazaha” all attended the forum.

The forum discussed disclosure, conflict of interests, the importance of integrity and transparency, and ways to combat and limit corruption through several perspectives, including the Islamic Sharia and what it deems acceptable. The forum also discussed the role of government agencies and specifically the role of the National Anti-corruption Commission in spreading awareness in the areas of integrity, transparency, and monitoring breaches to put an end to corruption. The role of governance in reducing corruption and the social effects it has on society was also discussed in the forum.

Noteworthy, MOH has implemented a policy of disclosure and conflict of interest to instill the principles of integrity, transparency, and a sense of responsibility, as well as reduce the number of financial and administrative violations, which would enhance citizens' confidence in the services provided by the Ministry. All MOH employees are bound by this disclosure principle. 

MOH established the Disclosure and Conflict of Interest program “Afsih” in 2018. One of its top missions is to enhance integrity and transparency among employees with the aim of increasing job loyalty. The results of this can be seen in the services provided by the Ministry. The program also seeks to spread the rules of the code of Job Conduct and Public Job Ethics and the Health Professions Law among staff members, using all possible means. This includes internal communication and holding specialized workshops in various governorates and regions. The program has provided online disclosure documents that are included in the self-services system (Mawarid) for health employees to be able to disclose. 

The program also ensures these documents are accessible at all times. Moreover, it receives reports on violations, in accordance with the document via special phone numbers that ensure confidentiality. 

Last Update : 15 December 2021 08:37 AM
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