The MOH spokesman, Dr. Muhammed Al-Abdulaali has praised the effective role of community awareness and cooperation shown by all community members and their commitment to precautionary measures, which positively reflected in increasing the vaccination rates in the Kingdom; thus contributing to overcoming important stages in the fight against the pandemic and limiting its spread.
Such role has a tangible impact in reducing COVID-19 infections and critical cases in the Kingdom’s public and private hospitals. Thanks Allah, the number of Coronavirus patients is significantly decreasing and the required medical care is currently provided at a limited number of hospitals.
MOH continues the procedures of monitoring and controlling the Coronavirus’s latest developments, he said, confirming MOH’s readiness and ability to deal with any developments. The ministry continues with carrying out all plans and implementing the precautionary measures in coordination with all concerned agencies.
Dr. Al-Abdali called on everyone to preserve the accomplishments made in the Kingdom during the pandemic, noting that the improvement in the epidemiological situation and reduction in infections contributed to easing the precautionary measures developed for this stage, as the pandemic and virus variants still present.
He said face mask will continue to be mandatory in closed areas with the importance of disinfecting hands, avoiding touching contaminated surfaces, taking both doses of vaccine to control variants and protect all members of community and maintain their health and safety and achieve the highest level of herd immunity.
He advised everyone to contact 937-Service Center for any consultation and inquiries around the clock, obtaining reliable health information and services, as well as knowing the latest development of COVID-19.