According to Jazan Health Affairs, Rest Assured «Tetamman» Clinics and Make Sure «Taakkad» Centers, since they were launched in the region to date, have served 215,174 beneficiaries, with 61,975 served by «Tetamman» Clinics and 153,199 served by «Taakkad» Centers, through several sites including drive-thru testing sites.
It is worth mentioning that «Tetamman» Clinics are devoted to serving those who develop Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, (e.g. high fever, shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing, sore throat, diarrhea, or loss of smell and taste) without appointments. While «Taakkad» Centers are designated for those, who do not show COVID-19 symptoms and a prior appointment can be made through «Sehaty» App.