MOH News

Asir Health Affairs Obtains SCFHS Institutional Accreditation in Postgraduate Studies
27 October 2020

​​Asir Health Affairs has obtained the institutional accreditation of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCFHS) as a training center in the field of occupational postgraduate studies. The Affairs has prepared 18 training centers at hospitals and healthcare centers across the region to provide 17 certified programs and fellowships and 6 delicate fellowships, benefiting 430 male and female trainees.

It is noted that Asir Health Affairs has, also, obtained the accreditation as a continuous development agency to provide continuous development activities and programs; in such a way that contributes to acquiring skills and experiences and ensures the scientific and professional development of the Affairs’ staff.

Last Update : 27 October 2020 11:29 AM
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