MOH News

‘Donate from Home’ Initiative Continues in Jazan
28 April 2020

​Jazan Health Affairs General Directorate has continued to implement its recently-launched "Donate from Home" initiative, which allows citizens to donate blood during curfew hours. The initiative aims to make use of people’s presence at their homes at the time of curfew to encourage blood donation in creative ways that suit the current situation. The initiative is also in line with the precautionary measures taken to deal with the spread of COVID-19 in the Kingdom. 

The number of applicants via the electronic link provided by Jazan Health Affairs specifically for this purpose has reached 2,771. These individuals have completed the registration procedures and filled in the required information. The total number of rejected applications was 105. The rejection came as a result of their inability to meet the health requirements for a safe donation after contacting them. The number of individuals who were preliminarily tested reached 972, with 23 of them rejected for health reasons. The number of blood units taken reached 448 of all blood groups.

Jazan Health Affairs has shown keen interest in providing all the requirements necessary for the initiative. It provided all the medical equipment needed for the donation, including thermometers, hemoglobinometers, blood bag tube sealers, blood unit cases, sharp tool containers, medical waste bags, and others. 

The team implementing the initiative has been working on a daily basis during Ramadan. Several fully-equipped medical teams begin their work from 8:00 PM to 2:00 AM, targeting 50 blood units per day. Each technical team includes a laboratory technician, a nurse, and a driver.

Last Update : 02 June 2020 03:42 PM
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