MOH News

Bisha: Over 170,000 Patients Served by Tathleeth General Hospital Last Year
08 January 2020

​According to Bisha Health Affairs, over the past year, Tathleeth General Hospital served more than 173,000 patients (38,444 at outpatient clinics and 135,217 at emergency department), and conducted 928 surgeries and 909 birth cases. 

"Prince Sultan Kidney Diseases Center, which is supervised by Tathleeth General Hospital, features 22 dialysis units, serving 23 cases and 3,157 dialysis sessions over the same period. The hospital's home medicine team conducts 8 home visits daily, benefiting 140 patients in Tathleeth and Al-Amwah", adds the Affairs.  

It is noteworthy that Tathleeth General Hospital is the main reference hospital for Tathleeth and Al-Amwah health sectors, which feature 23 healthcare centers. Also, the 110-bed hospital features several specialized clinics.  

Last Update : 08 January 2020 02:29 PM
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