MOH News

Makkah: Community Partnership Agreement Signed to Develop the Health Volunteer System
23 April 2019

Makkah Health Affairs has signed a community partnership agreement with Darb Al Mafaz Health Training Center to qualify those wishing to provide healthcare volunteer services during Hajj and Umrah Seasons in Makkah.

According to Makkah Health Affairs, this agreement aims at enhancing the non-profit involvement in health development and supporting the health services through participation in the public sector according to citizens’ actual needs in such a manner of quality, efficiency and integrity with MOH’s services through the project of Saudi Medical Academy for Volunteers (SMAV). This project aims to qualify a number of fe/male students of health faculties across various Saudi universities with scientific qualifications, skills, and values, based on a precise scientific approach in line with the modern methodology in medical education; to qualify them to provide health services during the Hajj and Umrah seasons.​

Last Update : 24 April 2019 12:41 PM
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