MOH News

MOH and SPIMACO Agree to Treat 1,000 HCV Patients
08 November 2018

​The Ministry of Health (MOH) has signed today (Wednesday) an agreement with Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries & Medical Appliances Corporation (SPIMACO) to treat 1,000 patients with Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). According to the agreement, "Spimaco Addwaeih" bears the cost of treating 1,000 HCV cases who are not eligible for treatment in governmental hospitals. They will be treated using liver drugs recently produced by the company, in cooperation with charitable health societies. The drug is proved to be effective with a cure rate of up to 95%, Allah willing. ​

It is noteworthy that MOH seeks to make the Kingdom free of HCV in three years. It treated, thanks to Allah, 750 patients during the first half of 2018, bringing the total number of treated cases, since the program was launched, to 4,492 cases with a cure rate of more than 95%. This comes as a part of MOH's endeavors to achieve the global goal of eliminating the HCV, through implementing a comprehensive Prevention and Detection program as well as treating HCV patients. MOH has launched the second phase of the National Program for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Detection and Treatment.

Last Update : 12 November 2018 08:46 AM
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