MOH News

 Hafr al-Batin Rehabilitation Center: 29+ Thousand Therapeutic Sessions in 1438H.
18 December 2017
According to Hafr al-Batin Affairs, the Medical Rehabilitation Center (MRC) conducted 29,166 therapeutic sessions in 1438H., based on the latest statistical data. These sessions covered three rehabilitation-related medical specialties, including: physical therapy, functional therapy and physical medicine. The Center's therapeutic services aim to restore physical functions for physically or mentally impaired patients, through stimulating their potentials and capacities to control disability and maintain their general health.

The Center's departments operate in an integrated and comprehensive way. Patients are received and diagnosed by a specialist who determines their need for medical rehabilitation. Botox is also used for patients with stiff muscles to facilitate limb mobility. So far, 70 cases have been treated.
The Center pays special attention to urgent cases by referring them directly to a specialist to develop their therapeutic programs. As for cold cases, they are given an appointment not later than 3 days. The Center operates in two shifts consecutively, both morning and evening, to reduce appointment intervals. The morning shift (female clinic) starts from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The evening shift (male clinic) starts from 3:30 p.m. to 11 p.m.

It is noted that the Center features five therapeutic rooms, a gym and a physical medicine clinic.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has launched recently the (e-health) application to facilitate access to visual medical consultations on smartphones. In so doing, MOH seeks to employ cutting-edge technologies to enhance effective communication with service-beneficiaries , and to allow them get the needed specialized medical consultations.

According to MOH, the first stage of using the new App. will cover Northern Borders, Asir, Tabuk, Jazan, Najran and Al-Jouf Health Affairs.

The App. is designed to enable audio-video communication from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. during working days, as well as weekends from 1 p.m. to 12 a.m. Accordingly, users can login into the application, communicate directly with a specialist, and have their cases diagnosed through the application. Hence, the specialist answers users' inquiries, provide the needed medical consultation and the necessary medical procedure.


Last Update : 18 December 2017 02:24 PM
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