Maternity and Children Hospital- Al-Ahsa has successfully reduced the patients’ waiting lists at pediatric clinics, by implementing MOH’s Performance Program «Adaa’». Its mechanism includes boosting the methodology and processes of e-appointments schedule by selecting the earliest time, as the waiting list average was 88 days for the earliest appointment. By Allah’s Grace, this average has been reduced to 29 days by the end of November, 2017. After due consideration the indicators by «Adaa’» program team and pediatric department, a third clinic for every consultant with a waiting list of more than 30 days has been added. Also, the hospital aims to reduce this average to 14 days in 2018 through this added clinic. The rate of new patients and user satisfaction has been enhanced.
It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Health (MOH) is currently implementing «Adaa’» Program, which covers 70 main hospitals across the Kingdom. The program features over 40 indicators to measure the performance of seven key therapeutic aspects, including emergency, clinics, surgeries, hospitalization, ICU, radiology and labs. The program also aims to develop the skills of health professionals to use the indicators and to identify performance improvement potentials.