Bisha Health Affairs features 87 healthcare centers across 7 health sectors, including Bisha Health Sector that serves 81,624 persons through 18 healthcare centers, including three healthcare centers (Airport, On-Duty Bisha, and On-Duty Samkh) which do not offer comprehensive primary healthcare services as such, but they assume certain limited responsibilities. Also, Al-Rawshan Healthcare Center is enhanced with consultants of obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics, in addition to a diabetes clinic. Besides, Mukhattat Healthcare Center features two consultants of pediatrics, internal medicine and general surgery, in addition to an anti-smoking clinic, while Namran Healthcare Center features a comprehensive healthcare clinic.
According to statistical data disseminated by Bisha Health Sector for 1438H., 14 healthcare centers include dental clinics, with 16,920 patients, 216,907 at outpatients, 3,612 ladies at pregnancy care, 19,317 children at healthy child, and 14,055 cases at other clinics, including gauze and injections, lab, and radiology were served last year. The region’s health sector pays due attention to raising health awareness among the community members, by organizing 418 health seminars at healthcare centers, 80 health seminars at schools, in addition to 85 awareness-raising activities on the national and international health events.
It is worth mentioning that the Ministry of Health (MOH), in line with its contribution to achieve the targets of the National Transformation Program 2020, has launched the initiative of (Reforming and Restructuring the Primary Healthcare), as part of 40 initiatives designed to develop and improve the Kingdom's healthcare services and facilities to meet the needs of the community and the aspiration of our wise leaders - May Allah protect them.
This new initiative aims to provide advanced outstanding primary healthcare services, to boost satisfaction with this sector's services, and to foster the outpatients' trust in health services. The initiative also seeks to restore confidence in primary healthcare centers, given the growing numbers of outpatients, to ensure accessibility to all beneficiaries to reduce the burden on different health professionals, to boost the preventive measures, and provide facility-based health services, in addition to reducing congestion on emergency departments and outpatient clinics.
MOH has recently launched the new design templates of primary healthcare centers at As-Sulaymaniyah, Al-Wadi, Al-Khaleej, Al-Murabba, and Al-Mansoura districts. All are model centers. Also, all MOH's centers will be reconstructed with similar templates, in addition to new centers that will be set up. The new centers will provide all preventive, health and community services, while complying with CBAHI's standards. The services include consultation clinics, primary mental clinics, as well as other services such as immunization, maternity care, family medicine and early detection of chronic diseases. Furthermore, the community will be engaged by creating community council to take part in planning health services. Each center will incorporate a training center for family medicine fellowship with a unified e-record database. The new centers feature a modern architectural style and the required safety supplies. It’s noted that the work is currently underway to start the stage of mega centers according to MOH-approved medial facility identity.