The Maternity and Children Hospital - Hafr al-Batin has completed 20 improvement projects within MOH's Performance Program, distributed over seven service categories to boost productivity, performance quality and efficiency of health services in hospitals.
The Performance Program’s projects implemented in the hospital cover the inpatient ward, with 8 performance indicators in place, in addition to survey tool to measure both staff and patient's satisfaction. The most noteworthy project features reducing the time gap between decision to discharge and actual discharge from hospital from 11 to 5 hours only in late October. The Program also covers ICU units using 6 performance indicators. Further 3 improvement projects have been completed. More 3 radiology enhancement projects are underway, including: reducing radiology waiting time from 16 to 3 hours only. As for laboratory, the Program has reduced the gap between emergency sample collection and test from 1.5 hours to only 39 minutes. Also, the Program has reduced the waiting time at ambulatory and emergency from 3 hours to less an hour using the triage system to develop the outpatient clinics through three projects, namely: increasing surgical referral rate by launching the anesthesia clinic, keeping the average waiting time within 2-3 weeks via one appointment only for each clinic, reducing the appointment waiting time from 5 weeks to 5 days and reducing patient unpunctuality through the e-appointment system. In the same vein, the surgery department performance has been enhanced; thus, reducing surgery cancellation from 7% to only 3% through scheduling optimization, and reducing children one day surgery's waiting lists through reorganization and increasing the number of programmed surgeries. It's noted that the hospital features a 300 bed-capacity.
The Maternity and Children Hospital - Hafr al-Batin has completed 20 improvement projects within MOH's Performance Program, distributed over seven service categories to boost productivity, performance quality and efficiency of health services in hospitals