MOH News

Al-Namas Health Sector Receives 9,954 Revisits during Eid Alfitr Holidays
17 July 2017
During last Eid Alfitr holidays, Al-Namas health sector has received around 9,954 revisits of which 5,316 at Al-Namas General Hospital, 990 at outpatient clinics, 3,261 at emergency department, 129 at dental center and 286 hospitalization cases. Physiotherapy department received 129 cases, with about 440 sessions. Also, 12,212 lab tests, and 1,117 x-ray  checks,  49 surgical operations, 53 birth cases and 521 kidney dialysis sessions were done, in addition to serving 12,067 meals.
Meanwhile, eight primary healthcare centers were on duty during the holidays. They received a total of 4,638 cases of which 968 at Halba Center, 393 at Wadi Zaid Center, 475 at Akisa Center, 888 at Al-Faraa Center, 668 at Al-Namas Center, 167 at Nashyan Center, 289 at Al-Zehara Center, besides 570 emergency cases at Halba Health Center, as well as about 857 lab test across all centers.

Last Update : 19 July 2017 09:53 AM
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