MOH News

Successful Carotid Artery Surgery to 70-Year-Old Saudi Patient
25 May 2017
Thanks to Allah, a 70-year-old Saudi patient has undergone a carotid artery surgery, as he was suffering from almost complete blockage in the left carotid artery with internal carotid artery dissection and a severe expansion before the blockage. The patient had earlier been exposed two months ago to a stroke, led to right-sided hemiparesis and slurred speech. After he had undergone radiological examinations, a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon conducted a surgery to him under general anesthesia; in terms of removing the arterial lining and calcifications that led to blockage of the artery, in addition to restoration of the lining and artery.
After the surgery, the patient was removed from the ventilator, as his vital signs were stable, and he was able to move his limbs and pronounce. Then, he was transferred to the ICU for observation. After that, he has been discharged in good condition from hospital.

Last Update : 28 May 2017 01:17 PM
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