MOH News

Gulf Workshop Discusses Views of Private Sector Regarding Drug Pricing and Inspection of Factories
13 March 2017
The Gulf Health Council for Cooperation Council States has organized a Gulf workshop on views of private sector regarding registration and pricing of pharmaceuticals and inspecting their factories, on Sunday March 12th, 2017, at Four Seasons Hotel in Riyadh, under the title "Challenges and Solutions".  
The council indicated that the workshop came within the framework of the council's effort to improve means of communication with its partners, upgrading the level of its services, identifying difficulties and challenges facing the companies in the Gulf central register and developing proposed solutions that the private sector believes may help reducing such difficulties. 
It said the workshop's program included a lecture on latest developments in central pharmaceutical registration and drugs pricing, pointing out that the discussion topics discussed central registration sections, registration of drugs and inspection of pharmaceutical factories.  
The council added that it will analyze the outcomes of the workshop and make use of them in developing a work plan for the coming years, for the sake of the common objectives of the council and beneficiaries of its services. 

Last Update : 07 May 2017 02:53 PM
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