After being bedridden in the ICU for four years, a patient in his twenties is no more in need to be connected to the ventilator, thanks to Allah at first place and then the efforts of the medical team at Assir Central Hospital.
Four years ago a car accident left him a quadriplegic that results in paralysis of the diaphragm nerves and made him fully dependent on the ventilator. During the surgery the doctors implanted electronic triggers on the diaphragm, by sending tones to make the diaphragm nerves constrict and then restoring mechanical breathing. The patient is connected to easy-to-use external regulator.
The medical team explained that the patient has been put in a special treatment program to gradually getting rid of the ventilator.
It is noteworthy that by these procedures the hospital aims to enable the patient to go home and be with his family, the matter which will be positively reflected on him and his family, noting that a special medical team will follow up with the patient at his home periodically.