Thanks to Allah, a medical team at Arar Central Hospital (ACH) has managed to save the life of a resident, after being run over. He had been suffering from multiple injuries, including swollen cerebral and cerebellar infarct, skull and jaw fractures, severe brain midline shift, fracture in the whole left foot and damage to the right facial side.
The medical team, led by a consultant neurosurgeon, has conducted an emergency surgery of skull biopsy and retained a portion of the skull bone in the abdominal wall; in order to allow the brain tissue spillover outside the cranial cavity, meanwhile lowering the pressure inside the brain, the matter which yielded results, May Allah be praised. After the patient’s health condition had become stable, he underwent a second surgery, which is a plastic surgery to the affected side of the face. Then, after the improvement of his health condition, he underwent a third surgery, which is reinstalling the skull bone. The surgeries have been crowned with success, May Allah be praised, and the patient has been discharged from the hospital after his health has improved and his condition is currently stable.