MOH News

MOH Provides Home Medicine Services for more than 51,000 Patients in the Kingdom
25 May 2015
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has provided home medicine services for more than 51,900 patients at all regions and provinces of the Kingdom, since the inception of the Home Medicine Program in Rabie II 1430H, and paid approximately over one million visits.
Meanwhile, the Supervisor-General of the Home Medicine Program, Dr. Faisal Al-Thobaiti, pointed out that the number of the new cases, who have been recorded during the second quarter of the year, amounted to 3,103 cases, while the number of cases receiving treatment now reached 27,617. He added that the program is currently applied to 198 hospitals at all health regions of the Kingdom, and there are 1,533 employees working for it, including physicians, specialists, and technicians through 340 medical teams.
Additionally, Dr. Al-Thobaiti indicated that medical equipments and supplies have been provided for the patients based on their requirements and health condition, including beds, oxygen breathing apparatus and mobility aids, in addition to securing all medical forms used in the program activities amounting to 25 to be included in the patient's file in the hospital and his home file.
He went on saying that the MOH has introduced the Home Medicine Program to provide affordable healthcare services for patients at their homes, via qualified medical teams. The program is reckoned a complementary to the services provided by the hospitals. In addition, the program makes it easier for the patient's family to follow up their patient until recovery without suffering. In addition to that, he added, the program helps provide beds in the hospitals for the new patients who are in urgent need of beds.
Within the same vein, Dr. Al-Thobaiti noted that the program targets those who are in need of palliative and psychological care, diabetics, patients with bedsores, the injured, and those who are in need of gavage or patients with neurological disorders and strokes.
Concluding his statements, Dr. Al-Thobaiti explained that the program is based on a set of activities and medical services (therapeutic, preventive, rehabilitative, awareness and social) which are provided for certain categories of patients at home, as per specific criteria and a mechanism of action, through a qualified medical team.

Last Update : 28 May 2015 07:09 AM
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