MOH News

MOH Launches a New Unconventional Website on Health Awareness
28 April 2015
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has launched a new website ( to promote its awareness efforts regarding methods of protection against Coronavirus, in the context of the campaign dubbed, "We Can Stop It". The new site allows users of social networking websites to contribute to raising awareness in an unconventional way, through electronic volunteering by registering their Twitter accounts and publishing awareness tweets in their names in collaboration with the MOH.

Such a new and common method in the social networking environment allows tweeting on behalf of the account's owner once a week, while protecting the account and password from being accessed. On the other hand, the volunteer can cancel his volunteering at any time by returning back to the site and retrieving his account, given that the campaign site ensures that the volunteer account will not be exposed to any violation of privacy, in addition to that the volunteer will remain capable of using his account as usual.


A team of specialists from the MOH will prepare simple and useful awareness tweets before being published via the campaign's main account and volunteers' accounts, in addition to republishing the tweets automatically, depending on how long the account owner wants to stay as a volunteer with the campaign.


Also, the website of the campaign "We Can Stop It" will publish in a prominent place a list of volunteers' accounts and pictures, in addition to a latest list of volunteers and their tweets.


In addition to the volunteer work, the campaign's new site includes short and exciting awareness videos about protection against Coronavirus and an interactive map which is updated periodically to show the latest developments of Coronavirus across the Kingdom. The website displays also the latest news about the virus from the MOH and around the world.


The idea of volunteering accounts on social networking websites is one of the unconventional methods to spread awareness in a number of communities around the world, in order to tackle a group of health, social, environmental and humanitarian issues.


Last Update : 29 April 2015 01:27 PM
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