Within the framework of its social communication program, the Ministry of Health (MOH), represented by the Diabetes Centers and Units Department, launched an awareness event on diabetes for staff of its headquarters.
Director of Diabetes Centers and Units Department Dr. Muhammad Yahya Al-Harbi, during his lecture on diabetes to the staff of the MOH headquarters, said that the diabetes is considered one of the main health problems in several industrial and developing countries due to the high rate of complications and deaths related to it. “The Kingdom,” he added, “is one of the most affected countries of diabetics and currently about 13.6% of all age groups in the Kingdom are suffering from diabetes and its complications, and the percent is expected to increase during the next ten years.”
He explained that the periodic follow-up of patients is the core stone for treating diabetes and avoiding its complications, affirming that in appreciation of the working hours of employees of the Ministry's headquarters and as part of endeavors to provide health care for them, the Diabetes Centers and Units Department pertinent to the Hospitals General Department has organized this event to treat its diabetic employees, conduct periodic examination and detect diabetes complications at an early stage (retina, kidney, blood vessels, peripheral nerves and diabetic foot), through the Enayah (Care) program.
Dr. Al-Harbi added that the program includes examining all patients, taking blood samples and completing a questionnaire, under the supervision and follow-up of the Diabetes Centers and Units Department, in addition to offering clinical examination by specialists in the diabetic foot, using a medical device to detect the nerve damage and identify whether or not the patient developed complications of diabetes. “In case of serious complications, coordination will be made with King Salman bin Abdulaziz Hospital's Diabetes Center for further examination and follow-up of the case,” he said.
Also, awareness bulletins were distributed on the treatment and complications of diabetes and methods of dealing with the disease according to the international policies applied by the world diabetes organizations. In addition, a one-hour lecture was agreed to be held weekly on Wednesday at 12:30 pm on the important aspects of treatment of diabetes. It will be delivered by a specialist in the treatment of diabetes, who will highlight important aspects of treating diabetes and answer the attendees’ questions.
In addition to that, incentive awards will be distributed to patients who are following the program. Such awards, including free subscriptions in sport clubs or in a health nutrition store, aims to urge the patients to participate in and follow up with the program. He added that a study will be conducted on the importance of this project and its benefit to patients after completion of the program.