MOH News

The World Celebrates Alzheimer's Day
21 September 2014
On September 21, 2014, the world is to celebrate the "World Alzheimer's Day" under the theme “Dementia: Can we reduce the risk?”. The main purpose is to identify the challenges and hardships posed by Alzheimer's disease, and shed light on the suffering of patients around the world. It also calls for exerting every effort and working unremittingly to enhance the health care sector and increase support for Alzheimer's patients and their families. Nowadays, Alzheimer's disease is ranked sixth among the major reasons for death around the world. It is an incurable disease at the present. However, its symptoms can be successfully cured. And by supporting the patients, they become able to adapt to the disease, and make their lives better.
In this context, the MOH Media and Health Awareness Information Center issued a report, explaining that Alzheimer's disease is a progressive cerebral disease that destroys brain cells, causing serious disorders to the faculties of memory, thinking and behavior. Furthermore, it severely affects the patient's life and work, as well as his pattern of social life. As time passes, the patient's case deteriorates continuously, and often leads to his demise.
The report highlighted that there are five stages of Alzheimer's disease. Stage 1 is the early stage of the disease; in this stage, the symptoms don't appear; the person may not know that he is infected with Alzheimer’s disease. Stage 2 refers to moderate cognitive decline, where as Stage 3 is known as mild dementia, Stage 4 refers to moderate dementia, and finally Stage 5 is severe dementia. In this last stage, the patient loses the ability to communicate and interact with the community, besides losing control of his movement.
Moreover, the report noted that Alzheimer's disease patient should adapt himself to the disease in order to render the treatment plan a success. The report advised the patient to follow some steps to live with Alzheimer’s disease, such as keeping keys, wallets, mobile phones and other valuable things in the same place at house, so that they will not be forgotten. Also, medicines should be taken on time, preferably once a day, or using an alarm clock. It is also advisable to installing GPS software to the mobile phone to easily find the person in the event of getting lost. According to the report, besides, it is recommended to keep phone numbers of families or relatives in an accessible place to help the patient in case of forgetfulness. That is to be added to taking care of the house and reducing the mess as much as possible. Over and above, it is important for the patient to have the family and friends around him. It is equally important to maintain a regular routine to help the patient communicate away from confusion.
The report concluded that there is no medication for Alzheimer’s disease at present. However, physicians prescribe medication to relieve its symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, emotional disturbances and depression. There are only two types of medications approved to relieve its severity.

Last Update : 22 September 2014 08:57 AM
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