MOH News

Dr. Alshinqyti: 90% of Cancer Cases Has no Link to the Genetic Factor
11 February 2014
Dr. Ali Alshinqyti, the blood and cancer consultant, and the Executive Director of the National Blood and Cancer Center, noted that "the number of cancer incidence of 2012 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabiais 17522 new cases, according to the latest report released by the World Health Organization (WHO). As regards the cancer-related deaths of 2012, according to the report, it is estimated at 9134 cases in 2012. Undoubtedly, these statistics require hard work in terms of planning to address them.This is highlighted by the drastic yearly increase of cancer incidence."
He went on to add that "there are novel studies in relation to the cancer early detection means with all their types included. And in spite of their being in their early stages, they are seen as means distinguished with precision, simplicity, cheapness, and ease of its conducting, such as taking blood samples for early detecting the colon cancer instead of colonoscopy."
He also predicts that a major change will take place in terms of the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. To that effect, he affirmed that "thanks to the impressive progress in terms of cracking the genetic protein code of many of cancer types, this will make way for what is known by the personal diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Thus, each patient will have the diagnosis of their own disease which differs from other patients, even if their disease, on the fact of it, resembles other patients."
This was during the interview the National Center for Media and Health Awareness of the Ministry of Health (MOH) had with Dr. Ali Alshinqyti, which coincided with the MOH marking the World Cancer Day. It was celebrated under the theme "Debunk the Myths". The interview was done via the Center's toll-free telephone number: 8002494444 and the MOH's Twitter account saudimoh@.
To dispel the misconceptions many hold about cancer, he remarked that "the cancerous tumors, as a whole, are non-infectious diseases and are not transmitted from one to another. The notion that they are infectious diseases is baseless. Also, the belief that if some family member is a cancer patient means that the other family members bear the genes causing the disease is wrong. In other words, 90% of cancer incidence has no link to the genetic factor. But they are put down to the patient's environmental factors in terms of food, sports, and exposure to carcinogens. Further, the belief that cancer causes incessant, severe pains for the patient is untrue, meaning that in most cases, there is no pain associated with cancer. And, regarding the cases associated with pains, these pains can be controlled and disappear by 90%."
He went on speaking on the wrong notions affirming that the majority has the belief that cancer is a terminal disease. But as a matter of fact, more than 60% of cancer patients recover or live with it for years. In addition to this, the notion that the cancer patient cannot lead normal life: work, sports, different social activities...etc. is a baseless one. Most of the cancer patients go on with their daily life normally even while they are being treated.
Meanwhile, he stressed that the media and health awareness play a great role in fighting cancer from correcting the wrong notions on the disease, raising the general awareness of the community members on different ways of prevention, educating and encourage the means of early detection, ways of dealing with the disease and ways of treatment, and their impacts on the patient and those around: psychological, social, and health impacts."
Within the same vein, he pointed out that treating the cancer patient requires that many parties join hands. The team supervising their treatment has an important role in terms of diagnosis, treatment plan, and ongoing support before, during, and after the treatment period. The primary healthcare is instrumental in the periodical follow-ups, early detection, and swiftly referring cases. Also, the familyas well as friends play role in supporting the patient psychologically and practically and make sure of not having the patient fall a prey for the wrong information and untrue notions. All the above-mentioned have an important role and it should be taken seriously.

Last Update : 12 February 2014 11:57 AM
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