His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Bin AbdulAziz Al Rabeeah, has approved the closure of a women’s center in the Eastern Region, and imposing a financial fine of SR 30,000; due to practicing traditional medicine without a license.
The Health Facilities Irregularities Committee in the Eastern Region had attended to the center to find out the nature of its activity. The committee discovered a reception hall for patients, a waiting room and a room including two clinical beds. There were found, in addition, herbal and oily cosmetics used for treatment. The doctor found there was questioned, upon which she mentioned that she had been practicing the profession for over twenty years. She told investigators, besides, that she was receiving and treating patients by herbal and oily lotions.
Pursuant to that, the committee has decided to close the center in accordance with Article 20 of the Private Health Institutions Law, impose a fine of SR 30,000 in accordance with Article 21 of the Private Health Institutions Law. Moreover, Dr. Al Rabeeah has approved a decision stipulating punishing the owner of a private hospital in Jeddah with a fine of SR 200,000; as a result of violations to the Pharmaceutical Facilities and Products Law.
That is pursuant to the report of the Chairman of private health institutions irregularities in Jeddah Directorate about the violating hospital for 19 unregistered drugs, breaching Article 19 of Pharmaceutical Facilities and Products Law, opening a warehouse without obtaining a license, and incomplete technical terms of the hospital, breaching Article 2 of the aforementioned law.
Furthermore, the decision included referring 6 pharmacists in the hospital to the Inspection Committee of the irregularities of the Law of Practicing Healthcare Professions in Jeddah.