Ms. Maha Muhammad Al-Mesallam, an Educational Supervisor at Kindergarten Administration in Riyadh Region, has pointed out that the most prominent negative emotions that may afflict our students at the beginning of the new academic year are anxiety, frustration, tension, discomfort, shyness, fear, confusion, anger, complaint, suspicion, discontent, injustice, despair, boredom, oppression and embarrassment … etc.
Meanwhile, Ms. Al-Mesallam has affirmed that those negative emotions that afflict students at the beginning of each new academic year are affected by several factors; including the age group (level of maturity), educational stage of students, parents, teachers, school, and some other incidental not regular factors such as transportation or disease...etc.
Within the same vein, Ms. Maha has underlined that the age group remarkably affects those feelings; due to the maturity factor. Thus, The older the student is, the more he becomes aware of his school surroundings, able to control and get rid of negative emotions, and brilliant more than the young children in the kindergarten and primary school. Knowing that our students live, in the intermediate stage, their peak of feelings as they turn into a raging volcano full of negative and positive emotions. Therefore, we have to deal with them well, and direct them towards a sound and healthy way that suits their young age.
This comes as part of the activities of the health awareness program (My health ... My school) coinciding with the start of the new academic year, as the Ministry of Health (MOH) hosted Ms. Maha Muhammad Al-Mesallam, an Educational Supervisor at Kindergarten Administration in Riyadh Region, through its Media and Health Awareness Information Center via the toll-free number: 8002494444 and the MOH's account on Twitter: @saudimoh; in order to answer all callers' inquiries on the ways of getting rid of negative emotions and dealing with the positive ones.
In this regard, Ms. Maha considered feelings as the outcome of person’s ideas. So, control of ideas helps to manage emotions; as the mental images in one’s mind have a strong influence in determining his feelings. Furthermore, Ms. Maha has underscored that one of the leading tips to transform negative emotions to positive ones is to take a regular time to relax for a period of not less than 15 minutes, then take a deep breath too, and believe in the goodness of Allah and all Muslims. This is to think well of Allah, which is the most important point in this topic. Also, among the provided tips is to replace the bad idea with good one, and to see the glass as half full to remember the huge number of blessings of Allah bestowed upon you.
Ms. Al-Mesallam advised also audience to recall positive motivating words which encourage the self and create convenience, such as: “I can do it, I know, I can, I am strong, I control, I'm fine, I'm learning, I understand, I am optimist, I think well of Allah, I'm empowered, and I'm sure...etc”.
Furthermore, among the tips provided by Ms. Maha, are to develop personal plans towards a fruitful change, and to draw targets commensurate with the possible capabilities and expectations, stressing that this is very significant in the comfort of one's feelings.
In addition, Ms. Al-Mesallam advised audience to carefully choose their positive friends who push them forward, and to stay away from bad, pessimistic and frustrated companions, who sow deadly negative energy in every action.
Over and above, Ms. Maha went on adding that it is necessary to disclose feelings into the outer world, and not to suppress them inside, focusing on the importance of preventing anyone from hurting your feelings, and staying away from self-flagellation, considering it a disease destroying every beautiful feeling, and every flowering idea.
Also, among those tips is to be flexible in replacement of any unsuccessful step with another one, as success comes only after failure; so as to feel its value and taste its fruit.
On concluding, Ms. Al-Mesallam stated quotation from John Milton, in which he says, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven”. She went on adding, “The management of ideas is capable to change the compass of feelings to the brightness of positivity”.