MOH News

Dr. Al-Shammari Stresses on the Significance of Adhering to all the Doses Set at the Vaccination Schedule
09 September 2013

The Infectious Diseases Consultant, and the MOH's Manageress of the National Wide-scale Immunity Program, Dr. A'asha'a Al- Shammari stressed that "there are vaccinations given at the beginning of the new school year for the primary first-graders, and these vaccinations are necessary and are considered refreshing doses, such as MMR vaccine, oral poliovirus vaccine, and DPT vaccine; as well as the second dose of the varicella vaccine, which is to be administered as of the current year."

She further accentuated that "keenness to administer all the doses on their due date according to the vaccine schedule as determining the ages at which vaccination are administered depend on being familiar with the ages which are more vulnerable to get infected with these diseases and their complications. Accordingly, the appropriate vaccination age and the proper intervals among doses are determined according to the type of a disease. Therefore, it is advised to stick to the dates set at the national vaccination schedule."

Still, in the event that any of the child's vaccination doses are stalled, she affirmed that "a child renders vulnerable to vaccine-targeted diseases, and to properly protect them, doses must be resumed from the last dose taken without the need of re-taking them right from the beginning, and it is recommended to go to the health center immunity clinic as soon as possible to resume doses, given that the ultimate benefit of doses are realized when given on their due dates."

This was part of her being hosted by the Media Information and Health Awareness of the Ministry of Health (MOH), via the toll-free line :8002494444, the MOH's twitter account saudimoh@, and through "my health, my school" Program. This is in order to answer the pupils' folks and whoever has children on the importance of vaccinations and keenness to take them, the significance of adhering to the dates of vaccinations, the risk possibility of neglecting taking some of these vaccinations, and delaying taking others.

As for the way these vaccines strengthen children's immunity, she sees that "broadly speaking, when a person is inflicted by some microbe-caused disease, whether bacteria or virus, then their immunity system must recognize such microbe, and work on producing anti-bodies to resist and abolish it. These anti-bodies are few in terms of numbers, and are weak and temporary if a person sustains a certain microbe for the first time in their life. In addition to this, forming these anti-bodies takes relatively long time: from 10 to 14 days.

 Thus, when the same person is inflicted with the same microbe later, their immunity system produces enough anti-bodies, in terms of quantity and quality, and in short time to fight this microbe. And that is exactly what takes place when vaccinating children. Vaccinations are defined as giving a child substances containing slight and double amount of the microbe causing the disease against which the immunization is intended; through injection or orally-taken. This in turn leads to slightly and temporarily stimulating their immune system; to produce anti-bodies resisting the disease in question. And when the body re-sustains the same microbe, these anti-bodies will prevent and fight it; hence they will protect a child   against a disease or its complications.

She went on to point out that "as far as some diseases are concerned, it is necessary to give a child more than a dose of the same vaccine, and we must be keen to complete all the doses set according to the national vaccination schedule; for only then is a child's immunity boosted. In many ways, usually, the first dose slightly and temporarily encourages the immunity system and leads to forming enough anti-bodies to resist a microbe only after the complementary doses are given."She also added that "some of these diseases are in need of refreshing doses at regular intervals; such as diphtheria, pertussis, and polio. For the routine vaccinations protect children against getting injured with some infectious diseases and their dire implications, which in turn lead to healthy community, free of the vaccine-targeted infectious diseases and epidemics."

As for the precautions to be taken before any vaccination, she holds that" generally-speaking, a child must enjoy sound health and do not complain of any relatively dangerous or serious disease; in order to take these vaccinations; pointing out that "there are temporary contraindications for vaccination. For example, putting all vaccinations on hold in case of relatively dangerous or severe disease, whether it is associated with fever or not, not to give all the vaccinations for those treated bychemical therapy, radiotherapy, or immunosuppressive drugs, during the period of treatment and for three months after the treatment has finished, there are temporary contraindications for the live virus vaccines: measles, MMR , and varicella, lastly, a child who underwent blood transfusion or has been given a solution containing anti-bodies during the three months prior to the vaccine."

She also touched upon the cases in which vaccine-giving is banned, she made clear that" a child is not given a certain vaccine if there was excessive allergy for the previous dose of the same vaccine. It is banned to have them vaccinated if they had any severe allergy to any elements used for manufacturing vaccines. And if a child suffered from immunity deficiency, they should not be given the vaccines manufactured from live complex microbes such as oral poliovirus, MMR, measles,  varicella, and tuberculosis. Also, oral poliovirus vaccine is not administered for those in contact with immunodeficiency patients. 

All the more, she addressed the harmful side effects of vaccines, the Manageress of the MOH's National Wide-scale Immunity Program, Dr. A'asha'a Al-Shammari said that "as it goes for any medication, there are slight side effects: topical interactions, such as pains, redness, swelling in the injection place, fever, panic, stress, and cry for a while. All these side effects are treated by antipyretics, analgesics, and topical compresses. As for the serious side effects, rarely does it occur."

On the other hand, as part of the educational Program "my health, my school", launched by the Ministry of Health (MOH) last week, the Media Information and Health Awareness Center is on hosting a constellation of consultants and specialists, via the Center's toll-free line: 8002494444, and through the MOH;s twitter account saudimoh@. They are to speak on psychologically and physically preparing pupils to receive the new school year, providing them and their parents with health tips and guidelines helping them rid of all the negative feelings and psychological problems, which could encounter them at the beginning of the school year. Therefore, on Tuesday 10/9/2013, the Program is to host Dr. Khalid bin Nahss Al-Raqas, the Associate Consultant of the Psychology Department of the Faculty of Education in King Saud University; from 10-12pm. He is going to touch upon the proper studying ways. Moreover, the pharmacologist, Eman Ebrahim Al-dbasi is to be hosted. She is to tackle the importance of the nutritional supplements for pupils, from 1 to 3 pm.




Last Update : 11 September 2013 11:06 AM
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