Within the framework of the educational efforts made by the Ministry of Health (MOH) to educate all community members of all groups and segments, and in continuation of the educational activities and events organized by the Ministry all year around, it is launching, on Sunday, an educational program under the theme "My School, My Health", coinciding with the beginning of the new school year. Thus, the MOH, through the Health Awareness and Media Information Center, is to host a constellation of consultants and specialists via the toll-free line of the Center: 800-2494444; to speak on qualifying students psychologically and physically when the new school year starts, and to provide them and their parents with health tips and guidelines.
On Sunday, 1/9/2013, the Program is to host Dr. Abdullah Abdulhameed Abdullah al-Habib, a psychological consultant, and the Director-General of the Psychological and Social Health, from 10am till 12pm, to discuss how to qualify students for the school return, the importance of psychologically supporting a child, and how to avoid frightening them or making the matter seem more serious than it really is. He is also to touch upon the significance of being around them in the first days of the school year; to shake off their fears.
The Center, on Monday, 2/9/2013, will be interviewing Mrs. Wafaa Murya'a Ahmed al-Yesairy, the head of the Kindergarten Unit of the Ministry of Education Office in al-Rawabi Neighborhood, from 10am to 12pm. He is to highlight the importance of directing a child's behavior and amending it, especially at the beginning of the new school year. He is also to underscore the importance of regulating sleep time, given it boosts achievement and concentration during the school year period.
Still on Wednesday, 4/9/2013, the Center is to host Mrs. Fadilah Abdulrahman al-Nasyan, the manageress of the Model Education Schools, from 10am to 12pm. She will speak on adolescence and drug.
And the Center, on Thursday, 5/9/3013, is to host Mrs. Maha Mohammed al-Muslim, the pedagogic supervisor of the Kindergarten Department in Riyadh, from 10am to 12pm. She is to shed light on the significance of the positive feelings. This is through encouraging a child to make friends, especially, that friendship-making help them integrate in society, which, in turn, promotes their self-confidence and enriches their experiences.