The MOH Spokesman, Dr. Khaled Marghalani, has stated that, thanks to Allah, no MERS/CoV cases have been detected among Umrah pilgrims so far, and that they are generally in good health. “Field follow-up reports and the surveillance campaigns conducted by specialized teams, pertinent to the Ministry of Health (MOH), have affirmed that no epidemiological cases had been detected among Umrah pilgrims, who had mounted to over 5 million persons since the outset of the year,” said Dr. Marghalani. “Most cases received by the MOH facilities were suffering either from chronic diseases or heat exhaustion.”
He pointed out that the medical crews working at the health facilities of Makkah and Madinah continue to provide best-quality health services for Umrah pilgrims in the course of this holy month, according to preset health plans, which proved effective in catering to the needs of pilgrims, meanwhile making every effort not to affect the quality of services provided to citizens. All human and financial capabilities have been harnessed for serving Umrah pilgrims through the hospitals and health centers spread across Makkah and Madinah, in addition to the emergency centers inside the Meccan Sanctuary, as well as the arenas besetting the Makkah and Madinah sanctuaries. The total number of those who have received health services in Makkah and Madinah is 161.851 pilgrims.
For his part, the Director General of Makkah Health Affairs, Dr. Khaled Zafr, has mentioned that the number of those who have received by Makkah's health facilities over the period from 1 to 26 Ramadan has mounted to 29.409 pilgrims, out of whom 21.644 were received by the ambulance and emergency sections, whereas 1.612 benefitted from the services provided by outpatient clinics, and 482 cases were hospitalized.
Through Ajiad Emergency Hospital, health services have been provided at the Sanctuary's central zone for 2.234 pilgrims, whereas 2.068 cases have been treated at the emergency centers lying inside the Sanctuary. Health care centers at the central zone offered health services to 3.603 frequenters.
The Director General of Madinah Health Affiars, Dr. Abdullah al-Taifi, for his part, made clear that the number of pilgrims who visited Madinah Sanctuary and the Prophet's Mosque is 102.442, out of whom 19.931 pilgrims were received by the emergency sections of Madinah's hospitals over the very same period (1-26 Ramadan). Health centers located in (and near) the arenas of the Madinah Sanctuary have received 82.551 pilgrims, whereas 62 cases were referred to hospitals. Besides, outpatient clinics received 233 frequenters, whereas 181 cases were hospitalized until they recovered and left hospitals – thanks be to Allah.