MOH News

Dr. Nahed Kadri Suggests Following a Balanced Diet in Ramadan
09 July 2013

Due to the importance of following a healthy diet during the Holy Month of Ramadan, avoiding eating large amounts of food especially food saturated with fats, and providing the public with some information about cooking during Ramadan, and how to eat meals without exhausting the stomach; and as a part of the activities of the “Hello, Healthy Ramadan” service  launched by MOH, the Media and Health Awareness Information Center at the Ministry of Health (MOH) hosted the Therapeutic nutrition specialist Mrs. Nahed Kadri from 1 p.m. till 3 p.m. via the Center’s toll free number: 8002494444; where she answered the inquiries of callers especially of patients about the ideal method to follow a balanced diet in the Holy Month of Ramadan and avoid health disorders caused by glut and obesity.


In preparation for the Holy Month of Ramadan, May Allah make it come around while being healthy and sound, Dr. Nahed advised, the audience of the Media and Health Awareness Information Centre at the Ministry of Health (MOH), to avoid overeating at Iftar (breakfast) meal, arranging meals where iftar is divided into two stages; first, eating dates or coffee and (low fat) milk before the prayer, then, after prayer, having salad, soup and samposa (pasty). The second meal to be after Isha and Taraweeh prayers, equivalent to lunch in ordinary days, it should contain vegetables, meat and juice. As for the third meal, Suhoor should be low in fat and rich in starchy foods and carbohydrates, in reasonable quantities.


She stressed on the importance of starting with three dates which will quickly increase the blood glucose level to reach the normal level and will hasten your feeling with fullness, as well as drinking water after eating dates as it will ease the process of digestion and will fill the stomach leading to a quick sense of fullness. Also, having a (chicken or meat) soup is beneficial, light, and a great source of protein; the skin should be removed from the chicken as well as the white visible fat in red meat. In addition, Dr. Nahed suggested avoiding artificial juices (that are merely sugar and added colours), and replacing them with fresh juice such as orange and apple juice...etc.


She added that it is important to reduce the usual portions of food. For example, if you are used to eating five or six samposa'at (pasties), you should gradually reduce the number by one piece every two or three days, until you reach a piece or two. Also, it is important to chew very well; as it helps to digest food and accelerate the sense of fullness. She also stressed on the importance of avoiding frying food when preparing it; instead, she suggested roasting food in the oven.


Furthermore, Dr. Nahed stressed on the significance of practicing physical activities every day if possible, such as walking (for half an hour at least). It is worth noting that the best time for walking is either half an hour before Iftar or two hours after the second meal. And when having our favourite sweets in Ramadan, it is important to reduce the sugar in them and use honey instead of sugar syrup as it is more beneficial. It is preferable to have such sweets during Iftar or Suhoor. 





Last Update : 11 July 2013 10:10 AM
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