MOH News

MOH Launches a Series of Informative Tweets on Syncope via Twitter
03 February 2013
Within the framework of its endeavors to make optimal use of the miscellaneous means of health awareness and education, the Ministry of Health (MOH), represented by Relations, Media, and Health Awareness General Department, launched a series of tweets via its account on the social network “Twitter” (@SAUDIMOH). They include lots of information on the loss of consciousness, or fainting, scientifically referred to as: “syncope”.
Syncope can be defined as “the person's lack or loss of response, and the inability to act proprerly; and in other cases the person only loses perception without fully losing consciousness. All these cases require medical intervention in order to protect patient from the complications that could result from fainting.”
The tweets show that loss of consciousness can be triggered by a wide range of causes, the most important of which are injury, medication abusing, as well as some diseases. Further, a lot of fainting cases occur because of dryness, low blood sugar, low blood pressure, or because of some cardiac diseases or nervous disorders. They also include the importance of differentiating between sleeping and loss of consciousness; the sleeping person may respond to loud sounds or moving while the fainting person does not act in the same way. Additionally, the fainting person cannot cough nor are they able to clear the airway; this in turn renders them vulnerable to death when the airway is blocked.
They also stressed on calling in paramedics once a fainting case has taken place, in addition to checking the airway and their pulse; in order to know whether they need cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). And if the fainting person was breathing or lying on his back, and it was made sure that they do not suffer from any injury at the backbone, they are moved gently and made them sleep on either side. Then, the upper parts of their legs are bent while making sure that their head is backward; in order to make the airway clear. And in the event of respiratory failure or pulse stop at any moment, we must return the inured to their former position, on their back, and start the process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
As for fainting cases which are due to low sugar or low blood pressure, the Ministry of Health (MOH) showed that if the fainting person is still conscious, you can give them juices in low sugar cases, or water and salt in low blood pressure cases, warning at the same time against giving person in loss of consciousness cases anything through the mouth; in order not to block the airway, Allah forbids. And in the event that fainting person has sustained a backbone injury, you must not move them as long as they are still breathing, and if fainting person starts throwing up, you must move the body as a whole to either side simultaneously, and you must put a prop for the neck and back.
The tweets also stressed on making the head at a low level compared to the body in fainting cases, in addition to raising the legs to a level higher than the body.  And those suffering from chronic diseases are advised to put a card identifying their health status, in order for the paramedic to recognize the health status for the fainting person as soon as possible.
As for prevention from fainting, the Ministry of Health (MOH) provided its fans with a range of tips; the most prominent of which are the necessity of avoiding the conditions and positions reducing the sugar level in blood as much as possible, especially if you were alone, avoiding standing for a long time without movement; especially if you were vulnerable to fainting,  having enough amount of water, and if you felt giddiness or you are not well, stretch or sit down and lower your head to reach to your knees, put your head between your knees, till giddiness clears.
It is worth mentioning that the topic was highly acclaimed by tweeters, especially that they experience a lot of fainting cases without having the slightest idea how to act properly.

Last Update : 06 February 2013 02:39 PM
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