The Deputy Minister of Health for Curative Services, Dr. Abul-Aziz bin Mohammed Al-Hemeidi, has assured that the Ministry of Health (MOH) is doing its best to provide more distinguished health services. This is to be added to the Ministry’s dedication to the improvement of the quality of the health services provided at hospitals, health centers, various specialized centers in addition to educational and research centers, aiming to reflect the Ministry’s motto: “Patient First”.
While launching the activities of the Hospital Directors' Skills Development Training Program on Saturday, under the auspices of His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Health for Health Affairs, Dr. Mansour bin Nasser Al-Howasi, Al-Hemeidi added that improving health services' quality has mainly to do with training, hoping that the program will improve health services offered to citizens.
He emphasized that constant training and preparing leading cadres is indispensable for keeping up with the accelerated development in various fields; especially health fields, where the role of health leaders, especially hospital directors, is prominent. In addition, he stated that it is important to continuously develop their skills and qualifications benefiting from medical, informational and administrative sciences to be applied in the field effectively. He also indicated that ideas and theories cited in institutions and colleges or written in books and magazines are useless if not enabled to be applied practically, sincerely and carefully in the field to grow and flourish.
For his part, the Director-General of Hospitals, Dr. AbdulAziz Hamed Al-Ghamdi, stated that this program will be organized within the framework of the MOH's efforts to improve work at its hospitals and the comprehensive plan to develop hospital directors' performance. This plan aims at providing them with the basics of hospital management skills. That is to be accomplished through introducing them with the management basics, the main principles of health care quality, the required skills for effective leaders and the recognition of the significance of resource management as well as services in health institutions. Moreover, it also aims to provide them with the effective director main skills (communication skills, effective director skills and characteristics, team leading, risk management and patient safety management).
In addition, Dr. Al-Ghamdi clarified that workshops are organized in coordination with the directors-general and senior officers of the MOH General Departments to identify these departments' tasks and solve hospital directors' problems, as well as finding answers to questions and inquiries. The directors will be trained by a distinguished constellation of trainers specialized in hospital management and human development. In addition, a number of MOH directors-general will attend the workshops in order to provide notes and directions and to answer their questions and inquiries, with the participation of 21 directors from 9 health regions.
In conclusion, Dr. Al-Ghamdi expressed his thanks to His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Curative Services, Assistant Deputy Minister for Hospital Affairs and Assistant Deputy Minister for Planning and Development.