MOH News

Training 240 Physicians on the Hajj-associated Common Diseases via E-Learning
26 October 2012
    A number of 240 physicians of those assigned to work at the facilities of the Ministry of Health, received training on the Hajj-associated common diseases via e-learning, available at four websites of the Holy Sites' hospitals. This announcement was made by Dr. Abdulelah Abdulghani Al-Feteni, the medical director of Mina Emergency Hospital, who further pointed out that organizing this training program takes place for the first time via this type of learning. In the past years, it was conducted via live lectures.   
Dr. Al-Feteni mentioned that the program was carried out by the Emergency Hospital, the biggest of all the Holy Sites' hospitals, in cooperation with three hospitals in the Holy Sites, Makkah, and Training and Scholarship General Department. He also added that it is one of the several programs implemented and being implemented by the hospital during this year's Hajj for physicians and others, who work on providing the health service for the Hajj performers, with the aim of providing the best health service possible for the pilgrim patients.
Meanwhile, Dr. Al- Feteni pointed out that one of the most prominent trainings this big number of physicians has received in this training electronic program is on the Hajj common diseases such as the infectious diseases, malaria, dengue fever, cardiac and blood pressure diseases, respiratory system viral infections, asthma, stroke and coronary thrombosis, and deep vein thrombosis; and dermatological diseases.
It is worthwhile to mention that this program has been implemented in cooperation with the Saudi Knowledge 21 Foundation, specialized in e-learning infrastructure. Its Director-General, Ziad Flebman said that through this training program, we were able to achieve a number of important advantages with regard to the training process such as the resilience in terms of the time, place, and content. Thus, there was no need for the trainers to move or quit their work in order to go to the training place. And the trainers were able to receive their training at anytime or anywhere. In addition, the content took into consideration the training needs for each trainer, in a way that enabled them to choose the topics they need, and move among the topics swiftly, and the training appropriate for them. And they are to bear the responsibility of their training and finishing the set content as well.
Furthermore, this training program is distinguished with the advantage of reducing distractions, and the accurate follow-up for all the trainers, and assessing their learning and benefitting from the training through codified exams. Also, the used training system is distinguished with consisting of the latest learning technologies and electronic, interactive training, which is based upon the trainer's interaction with the material, not only its review. 
And the program provided social networking means with capabilities similar to the Facebook and Twitter ones to benefit from and share experiences. This is through providing an electronic wall for each trainer, and the ability to post any comment on any content or forum with the aim of consulting and sharing files. In addition, it provided follow-up tools and exhaustive reports on the training and the trainees as a whole.

Last Update : 07 November 2012 05:00 PM
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