MOH News

MOH’s statistical statement on Dhul-Hijjah 8th, 1433H
24 October 2012

​The Ministry of Health (MOH) announced that its 8th hospitals in the Holy Sites distributed in Mina, Muzdalifah,andArafatbeganto receivepilgrim patientsandprovidethemwithservicesinvariousmedical specialties on Tuesday morning, the seventh day of Dhul-Hijjah.

The ministryreportedthatthe 228 466 pilgrim patientsfrequented the hospitals and health centers of the Holy Sites , Mecca and Madina during the period from 1/12 to 7/12. As the outpatientclinicsprovided their services for 34 992 pilgrims, whereas37 843 patients benefited from the ambulatoryservices.
The MOH's daily statistical statement pointed out that 155631 pilgrim patientsbenefited from the primary healthcare services in the health centers during the same period, of which 83683 patients frequented the primary healthcare centers in the Holy Capital (Makkah), 2111 patients in Mina, and 69837 patients in Madina.

The statement made clearthat the 2484 patientshave been admitted to hospitalization sections in the MOH’s health facilitiesin Mina,Makkah,and Medinaduringthe period from 1 to 7Dhul-Hijjah.As1767patientshad been hospitalized inMecca’s hospitals, 674patientsinMedina’s hospitals,14 patients inMina’s hospitals, and 30patientsinArafat’s hospitals.

Besides, the statement added that 2449 patients had been discharged from the hospitalization sections of the Ministry's Hospitals, of which there were 1648 patients in the Holy Capital (Makkah),  795 patients in Madinah, 5 patents in Mina, and only one patient in Arafat

The MOH's daily statistical statement indicated that the number of pilgrim patients hospitalized in the Ministry's Hospitals located in the Holy Capital (Makkah), Madinah, and the Holy sites till the seventh day of Dhul-Hijjahreached 2263 patients, of which there were 1212 patients in the Holy Capital (Makkah), 1014 patients in Madinah, 9 patients in Mina, as well as 28 patients in Arafat’s hospitals.

Last Update : 11 November 2012 12:06 PM
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