MOH News

Tobacco Control Program Organizes a Training Course at King Fahad Hospital
16 July 2011

In the framework of cooperation between the Directorate General of Training and Scholarship at Ministry of Health and Tobacco Control Program, a training course on "Approved Pharmacotherapy for Smoking Cessation" began last Monday morning at the King Fahad Hospital cultural center in Madinah for 25 physicians and nurses from Directorate of Health Affairs in Madinah. Lasting for three days, the course has been accredited by Saudi Council for Health Specialties for 10 hours Continuing Medical Education (CME).
Dr. Majed bin Abdullah Al-Muneef, general supervisor of Tobacco Control Program at Ministry of Health and Secretary General of the National Committee for Tobacco Control has expressed his appreciation to the efforts made by the Directorate General of Training and Scholarship in addition to the employees of the Directorate of Health Affairs in Madinah. He also pointed out the  key role played by the coordinator of Tobacco Control Program in Madinah region regarding cooperation and implementation of this course. Dr.  Majed expressed his wishes that the participants would get the targeted benefits to utilize new and useful information that contribute in providing the requested service based on a scientific basis.
The first day of the scientific program of the course included 4 lectures and a workshop. The 1st lecture was dedicated to define objectives of the course, the 2nd one was about physiological nicotine addiction, the 3rd lecture was pointed out how to measure carbon monoxide and determine the level of nicotine addiction, and finally the 4th lecture was determined to Smoking cessation and treatment.
At the second day, three scientific lectures and one workshop were held. Accordingly, the program was defined to elaborate the methods of behavioral therapy for smoking cessation and the relationship between the smoker and tobacco.
The key topics of the lectures of the 3rd day include pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation, follow-up references, studying the global convention on tobacco control, and Saudi directory of stopping smoking services.

Last Update : 16 July 2011 01:56 PM
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