MOH News

A 90-minutes Surgery Restored a Child's Visio in Jazan
16 July 2023

A 90-minutes Surgery Restored a Child's Visio in Jazan  

Ophthalmologists in Jazan region were able to perform an urgent surgical intervention for a child who, successfully restored her vision in an operation that took an hour and a half, All Praises be to Allah. Health Ministry in Jazan said that the medical team at the ophthalmology department at Prince Muhammad bin Nasser Hospital in Jazan was able to restore the pupil of a 3-year-old girl, who attended the Pediatric Eye and Strabismus Clinic after suffering from severe vision impairment, and after conducting a medical examination, it was found that there was an almost total closure in the pupils, lack of response to dilatation with drops, completely in the left eye and partially in the right eye, and the presence of dark white water in the right eye. The medical team treating the case confirmed that it was decided to perform surgery in the right and left eyes, during which the pupils were dilated with mechanical dilators, cataract suction, the vitreous sac was cleaned, a lens was implanted, and the pupil was repaired to prevent its contraction and return to its previous position. The team added that after the surgery, the vision improved, and the child returned to her normal life well, praise be to Allah, as she was able to see in its normal form without the need for any assistance that the child previously depended on. It is worth noting that Prince Muhammad bin Nasser Hospital in Jazan performed 1096 eye surgeries in the first half of this year 2023, including 988 one-day eye surgeries.

Last Update : 17 July 2023 10:20 AM
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