Crown prince Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, communicates his thanks to the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah and Ministry's staff where 21 hospitals won CBAHI Certificate,and the Ministry's strategy in the application of qulity in hospitals, and to place all its facilities to the application of accreditation standers and obtain certification of local and international.
His Highness wrote in his thanks letter: "we would like to communicate our thanks and recognition to your Excellence and all Ministry's staff for this great achievements and efforts in upgrading health services for the citizens and residents in the Kingdom."
Minister of Health, HE Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Rabeeah, expressed his gratitude and thanks to his Highness, pointing out the received support from our Government and confirming on the Ministry dedication to exceed our leadership and people expectations.
Moreover, for the first time, the Ministry of Health celebrates the granting of CBAHI certificate to 21 governmental hospitals. As part of the Ministry's dedication to provide high quality of health services to all citizens and residents in the Kingdom, these Hospitals were subjected for more than 881 international standards included all provided health services. The Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, added that these hospitals (such as King Fahd Specialist Hospital- Dammam and Al Babtain Medical Centre) were the first to win CBAHI certificates but won't be the only according to the Ministry's strategic plan, which will be implemented during the coming 5 years.
The Ministry clarified that the preparation procedures for this evaluation lasted for more than a year which includes upgrading professional and administrative systems and patient safety procedures in all fields. Moreover, Minister of Health instructions, regarding health quality standards in hospitals are been handled as a strategic plan for the Ministry, where health quality standards and patient's safety cannot be separated.
Therefore, health services quality and patient's safety are the main concern in most of countries. As a result, the Ministry of Health developed a strategic plan based on the Minister's guidance, Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, where all hospitals must compliant to international health quality standards in order to enhance health services and reduce medical mistakes, since 60 hospitals will be evaluated next year.