MOH News

MOH Hires Specific Medical Specialties Consultants
06 December 2010
Ministry of Health hired highly qualified consultants in specific specialties on a year-long part-time contract to work in the kingdom's different hospitals especially in remote areas, where permanent employment contract is difficult and limited in the meantime due to the rarity of these specialties. That is according to the Ministry directions aiming to provide comprehensive health care services to citizens in their locations and overcome obstacles faced by patients when visiting hospitals.
Assistant Undersecretary for Curative Medicine, Dr. Aqeel Al Ghamdi clarified that the Ministry after hiring highly qualified local consultants on a part-time contract within temporary medical support program to work in a number of central and referral hospitals, has done all the coordination procedures with both Jordan and Egypt regarding part-time contracting with the third group of highly qualified consultants. Where Assistance Agency for Curative Medicine has finalized the procedures of hiring 21 Jordanian consultants, which have been distributed on various hospitals all over the Kingdom according to their specialties and the society needs based on an analytical study of the Assistance Agency for Curative Medicine plan.
Dr. Al Ghamdi, pointed out that the third group of Jordanian doctors includes highly qualified consultants in specific subspecialties (nephrology surgery, urology surgery, orthopedic surgery, spine and neurosurgery, plastic surgery, burns restoration, oral and maxillofacial surgery, anesthesia, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, pediatric cardiology, pediatric infectious, pediatric dental disease, newborn diseases, nephrology, ENT, endocrinology, diabetes, endoscopy, liver diseases, diagnostic radiology, emergency medicine and laboratory medicine).
In addition, he assured that the Ministry has also hired a number of Egyptian consultants in specific specialties (ophthalmology eye surgery, endocrinology, endoscopy, surgical oncology, pediatric genetic diseases). A group of the consultants has arrived and will start working by next week, where health affairs administrations coordinate their distribution with needed services in hospitals targeted by the program to get the best benefit from this medical expertise that was imported to fulfill health needs, allow patients to benefit from these medical expertises in the Ministry hospitals and contribute in improving these departments in hospitals through workshops and educational lectures.
Moreover, he added that more groups of consultant will be hired on a part-time contract to fulfill the needs of various regions hospitals. More efforts are done to finalize the last stages of the program according to the Assistance Agency for Curative Medicine plan by hiring highly qualified foreigner consultants in specific subspecialties to support hospitals all over the Kingdom. These consultants will be distributed to various regions central and referral hospitals according to the directions of the Minister of health; aiming to fulfill all health needs ideally. 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:53 PM
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