MOH News

World Food Day Celebrates Under the Slogan "United Against Hunger"
19 October 2010
Under the slogan "United against hunger" Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), that is a part of United Nations organization, approaches the celebration of the World Food Day on October 16th where FAO fights the current food crisis which led to spreading hunger around the world.
Information and Health Awareness Centre in the Ministry of Health has issued a report which clarified that the United Nations estimated the number of Undernourished people by more than one billion people; that is one out of six .Unfortunately hunger causes death for thousands of people around the world.
The report stated that food security can't be obtained unless it's accessible economically to all human to have sufficient and healthy food to live an energetic and healthy life. 
The organization clarified that hunger is not due to the lack of food; because the world produces enough food for the whole world. However, it's caused by the deficiency and neglect in the agriculture sector in terms of investments in the last twenty years. This has influenced the economical growth in poor countries, where agriculture is considered the main living resource to about 70% of the poor people around the world.       
Therefore, FAO lunched a worldwide campaign to fight hunger this year by a universal petition called "One Billion Hungry". Which aims to make this subject a top priority to the world's leaders. The organization aims through this campaign to raise one billion signatures on the petition by the end of November to present it to the representatives of 192 member states, who are expected to participate in the presidential council of the organization. It also aims to draw attention to the agriculture sector suffering from the lack of investments in the last twenty years, and to focus on solving the current food crisis.​

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:53 PM
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