MOH News

Final decision on Rosiglitaone drug not reached, says Al-Marghalani
09 June 2007
Final decision on Rosiglitaone drug not reached, says Al-Marghalani
Ref. to what has been circulated by media and some internet sites on the dangers involved in using Rosiglitzone, known commercially as avandia, which is used in treating type two diabetes, the MOH Official Speaker Dr. Khalid M. Al-Marghalani said the contradicting studies issued on the disease recently has caused misunderstanding among the public.
He said the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declared recently that it is aware of the risks involved in using the drug due to some studies which found connections with angina pectoris and heart attacks, whereas other studies have proved the contrary. It is due to such contradicting studies that FDA has been hesitant in deciding on risks relative to the use of the drug.
" The possibility of angina pectoris is stated in the medical guide attached to the drug", said Al-Marghalani, "but FDA said it is not quite sure whether the other drugs used to treat type two diabetes are better or worse with respect to the development of angina pectoris. FDA was also not sure whether directing diabetes patients to other drugs is also risky or not".
He said FDA has made such declaration to enable doctors to take the right decision in prescribing the drug in accordance with the different cases. A final decision has not been made yet and more information shall be issued as new findings were reached. 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:50 PM
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