Health Days 2015

World Cancer Day
The World Cancer Day (WCD) is marked worldwide every year on February 4th, with the aim of unifying people around the world to fight this deadly disease. WCD day aims at saving the lives of millions of people who die yearly, through increasing awareness on this disease among individuals and governments all over the world, so that the needed actions can be taken. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, accounting for 8.2 million deaths yearly, 4 millions of whom are aged between 30-69 years, and about 32.6 million are still suffering from this disease.
Internationally Approved Date: February 4th, 2015.
Locally Approved Date: Rabie Al-Akher 15th, 1436H.
World Cancer Day is marked this year (2015) under the theme: "Not Beyond Us". The purpose of the day is to take a positive and proactive approach in the fight against cancer, highlighting that solutions do exist; not beyond us.
This campaign focuses on finding out the way to implement all what we know on the following areas:
  • Prevention
  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle
  • Cancer early detection
  • Medical and social health care and for cancer patients.
The World Cancer Day is a distinctive chance to raise our collective awareness about the available solutions that can be performed on the individual, governmental and the whole community levels alike.
"Not Beyond Us"

  • Healthy life
  • Early detection
  • Treatment for everybody
  • Medical and social health care for cancer patients.
Targeted Categories:
  • Cancer patients and their families.
  • All segments of society.
  • Concerned local associations.
  • Medical staff (physicians, nurses, specialists, etc.)
Mission and General Objectives:
  • Raising awareness about everything related to cancer. This will positively reflect on the level of health care at all levels.
  • Raising awareness about the available solutions that can be performed on the individual, governmental and the whole community levels.

Related Links:

For more information, click here.

Last Update : 04 February 2015 04:20 PM
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