Eye Diseases

Educational Messages on Eye Diseases
​1. Cataract: it is a clouding of the lens in the eye which is transparent in normal conditions. This change occurs due to aging or as a result of a disease or an eye injury. It is the most common cause of blindness in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
A. Its symptoms:
  •  Decrease in vision or eye blur.
  • Seeing glare around lights at night.
  • Frequent need for changing glasses.

B. In most cases, cataract treatment requires a simple operation through which the clouded lens is replaced by an artificial lens.


2. Glaucoma: is the rise of the eye pressure, and it is the second cause of blindness in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
A. Annual eye testing for those over forty years or those with the family history-related glaucoma help early detect the glaucoma and avoid sight loss, Allah forbids, because of it.
B. Not using drops without havingthe eye doctor prescribe it, due to the fact that some drops contain corticosteroid compounds, leading to the pressure risein the eye, and partial or permanent sight loss.
C. You had better see the eye doctor when observing :

  • Any sudden change in vision.
  • Seeing glare around lights.
  • Redness associated with pains in the eye.
3. Amblyopia:
A. Lazy eye occurs when the vision sharpnessvaries between the two eyes and either eye is weaker or lazier than the other.
B. Children are afflicted with lazy eye in the following cases:
  • In cases of the variance of the sight length and shortness between the two eyes.
  • In cases of squint; scientifically known asstrabismus.
  • Due to an organic reason such as cornea injury and the injury of either eye with cataract.
    C. Treatment :
  • Covering the unaffected eye; in order to stimulate the lazy eye, and in turn boosting its vision sharpness.


4. Diabetic Retinopathy: it is a change in the eye retina; it occurs when the diabetic injury elongates; and when a diabetic does not control the blood sugar level.
A. A diabetic had better:

  • Periodically and annually check the retina at the eye doctor's office.
  •  Keep proper blood sugar levels through acting upon the instructions of the eye doctor treating them.
5. Contact Lens: to keep your eyes healthy, you should see an optician; in order to take the correct measurements for the medical or colored contact lens, and apply the usage and care instructions; in order to avoid anycorneal ulcers that could lead to blindness, Allah forbids.
A. Avoiding getting the contact lens form the unlicensed shops such as perfume shops and beauty salon. 
B. You must use the lens-related solutions to clean them, and not use tap water or saliva to moisturize them.
C. Not sleeping with the contact lens on whatever their type is to the effect that the existence of the lens in the eye during sleeping increases the likelihood of developing inflammations to five times.
D. Keenness not to swim with the contact lens on.
E. Avoiding wearing the contact lens in the dust-laden atmosphere.
With the regards of the National Prevention of Blindness Committee.
Last Update : 15 March 2018 10:20 AM
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