MOH News

Tetraplegia Patient Restores Mobility
10 January 2018
A team of neurosurgeons at Sherurah General Hospital has successfully restored mobility for a patient in his 20s who suffered a fracture-dislocation in his posterior C-5; causing tetraplegia  and unstable blood pressure.

According to Najran Affairs, the patient was brought to Sherurah General Hospital on 18/1/1439H. After due medical procedures and checkups, MRI showed spinal bruises as from C-4  to C-7. Initially, the team decided to manually reset the dislocated cervical spine through a process called closed reduction (drawing the patient's head using  a 12 kg segment for three days), which has proven successful.

A month later, by Allah's Grace, the patient had a very successful delicate surgery, whereby the surgical team replaced the fractured vertebra with a synthetic one with interior fixation. Then the patient was taken to the inpatient ward for further health and therapeutic care. He improved gradually and restored lower and upper limbs' mobility. On 7/4/1439H., the decompression and segment fixation were removed. Then, the patient was put under a 6-months physical therapy program to restore his mobility as fast as possible.

It is noted that, during the first quarter of 1439H, Sherurah General Hospital successfully performed 168 surgeries, including life saving and delicate surgeries in different fields. The hospital also served 38,074 emergencies, 15,339 outpatients, 1,690 inpatients and 428 birth cases.


Last Update : 11 January 2018 12:27 PM
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