The National Plan

Preparatory Plan Integration
The activities of the preparatory plan for combating the swine flu epidemic must be included in the national priorities, taking into account the available capabilities. As the time of any future epidemic is unknown, necessary steps must be taken for ensuring readiness to any future epidemic as follows:
  • Including the preparatory plan for combating the epidemic is included within the activities of the national plan for confronting emergencies.
  • Utilizing the activities of the national plan for strengthening the capabilities of basic health and
  • emergency, such as primary health care, examining respiratory diseases, and lab diagnosis.
  • Utilizing the activities of the national plan for enhancing communication between the health sectors and the community.
  • Development and amendment of sustained work plans for combating the epidemic.
  • Continuous evaluation and updating of current plans.

By using the above proposals the government bodies and relative health organizations shall have the opportunity to strengthen their preparations for any future epidemic. They shall also be able to have the capabilities for dealing with local, national, and international emergencies.

Last Update : 21 March 2011 04:48 PM
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