Initiative Latest News

MOH's Initiatives to Stimulate Private Sector Enterprises to Convert into Joint-Stock Companies
26 June 2018  

​​Royal directives were issued to develop policies, legislations and initiatives to stimulate private sector enterprises in the Kingdom to convert into joint stock companies. Through the stimulus package program for private sector enterprises, under the umbrella the financial sector development program, packages of incentives and comparative advantages will be introduced for public joint-stock companies as compared to other private sector enterprises. 


To stimulate the joint-stock companies, MOH has launched three initiatives:

First: ​The initiative to grant the listed companies preferential access to training programs provided by MOH. All national companies listed in the Saudi stock market will be given preferential access to training programs provided by MOH, with special privileges including incentives fees for the program.

Second: The initiative to grant the listed companies preferential access to medical reports and database. Through this initiative all national companies listed in the Saudi stock market will be given preferential access to additional information about statistical data and reports and to the medical database, as well as information and data provided by MOH's Portal. The companies will be able to get the information they need as soon as they are available.

Third: The initiative to grant the listed companies the privileges of speaking and advertising during MOH's prominent events.​ Through this initiative national companies listed in the Saudi stock market will be given the privilege of speaking and advertising in the prominent events held by MOH, as well as the priority to obtain invitations to participate in MOH's conferences and exhibitions and special discount on advertising fees. 

Last Update : 01 July 2018 02:10 PM
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