Hajj News

MOH: 49,000+ Pilgrims Served by Hospitals & HCCs in Holy Sites, Jeddah, and Taif to Date
06 July 2022
​​​According to the Ministry of Health, since the first day of Dhul-Qi'dah, until Wednesday (the seventh of Dhul-Hijjah 1443H.), hospitals and healthcare centers (HCCs) in Makkah, Arafat, Muzdalifah, Madinah, Jeddah, and Taif have provided their therapeutic services to 49,439 pilgrims.

“These hospitals and HCCs have provided pilgrims with a range of specialized therapeutic services, including five open-heart surgeries, 93 cardiac catheters, 256 dialysis sessions, five endoscopic procedures, and 149 surgeries, in addition to serving 400 inpatient pilgrims that were admitted to hospitals,” stated MOH.

MOH added that «Seha» Virtual Hospital has participated in providing a number of virtual services to patient pilgrims, including four cases of stroke diagnosis, a case of remote critical care, and a case of remote radiology, in addition to 1,533 beneficiaries of immediate consultations services, via «Sehaty» App., until the end of Dhul- Hijjah 6th, 1443H.


Last Update : 06 July 2022 09:06 PM
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